Speaker at GIIB 2023
Global Industry Illustration Bienniale
Shenzhen Illustration Association
This year’s highlights will not only include the release of key data on China’s illustration industry, illustration research and illustration case studies and applications, but will also include industry professionals from the UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and Japan sharing their insights on the illustration industry.
Speaker at GIIB Shanghai
The Shanghai illustrator association invited me as speaker for the Global Industry Illustration Bienniale in Shanghai ( GIIB 2023). In addition to my contribution of “DOORS” – a documentary about the importance of further education, they asked me to create a second video. So here I am talking about my career and clients, the European Illustrators forum, German Illustrators Organisation and economic situation of german illustrators. About the impact of KI and finally about my intention regarding my documentary “Doors”.
Shenzhen Illustration Association European Illustrators Forum Illustratoren Organisation Deutschland
So here I am talking about my career and clients, the European Illustrators forum, German Illustrators Organisation and economic situation of german illustrators. About the impact of KI and finally about my intention regarding my documentary “Doors”.
Sprecher auf der GIIB
Die Shanghai Illustrator Association hat mich als Sprecher für die Global Industry Illustration Biennale in Shanghai ( GIIB 2023) eingeladen. Zusätzlich zu meinem Beitrag “DOORS” – einem Dokumentarfilm über die Bedeutung von Weiterbildung – wurde ich gebeten, ein zweites Video zu erstellen. Hier spreche ich über meinen Werdegang und Kunden, das Europäische Illustratorenforum, den Deutschen Illustratorenverband (IO), sowie die wirtschaftliche Situation der deutschen Illustratoren. Über den Einfluss von KI und schließlich über meine Intention bezüglich meiner Dokumentation “Doors”.
Career, illustrators organisations and illustration industries
DOORS - Documentary about the importance of further education
My work as an illustrator and digital artist is characterized by constantly developing my skills and educating myself further.
Special thanks to...
Thank you to the german Stiftung Kulturwerk, part of the VG-Bild-Kunst Germany for the financial support of my training and further education project. And thank you very much – mille grazie – to Paolo Rui (EIF Founder & AI president) for bringing me in contact with the Shenzhen Illustration Association and his indispensable good advice.Not to forget, thank you to Tanya, who held all the strings in her hand for me
Impressions from CIIB