
Happytized at HABITAT
What a wonderful, inspiring, happytizing exhibition & event. Great art, georgiuos exchanges and enriching encounters. Laughter, dance, good drinks, live music and performances. So many visitors- great! Check out the impressions video clip – its (nearly*) all there-> Thankful to have been invited and to be in great company with all these other great artists in exhibtion. Thank you everybody making it possible. *Unfortunatly I missed the „Secret theatre“ and a work by Gamze Yalcin.

ARTISTS Adrien Hall, Alejandra Valcárcel, Anja Nolte, Ashla Razzano, Baris Erdemli , Berlin DJ, Canberk Akçal, Deniz Kulaksizoglu , Devi Sund Rojo, Ece Manav, Franziska Harnisch, Gabrielle Chardigny, Gamze Yalcin, Golden Disko Ship, h.g.a.r.o., Ilaaf Khalfalla, Jb Burguet, Jimena Peña, Jinran Ha, Jonas Blume, Julia Flux, Julius Voigt, Katscha (DJ Set), Katya Quel, Lara Jordan, Lia Rutenberg, Lili Thelien, Lillian Morrissey, Luka Kastelic – blackwood.street, Lukas Liese, Miruh Frutiger, Neda Aydin, Paula Oltmann, Paula Riquelme, Perperuna Ensemble, Restless, Thilda Bourqui, tiredpurple, Vanessa Bosch, Vasili Berela, Vitalii Shupliak, Ximena Ferrer Pizarro, Yosef König & Shayan Essam
Habitat philosophy
Coming from the etymology “to live or to dwell”, HABITAT will try to find new ways to create a living spaces in the architectural façade of Adlerhalle. STADTWERKSTATT Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg will be converted the into different habitats. From listening rooms to live stage, having a garden to sit near the seaside, invited artists and initiatives will open up new meanings to have a space to share/explore/create/experience different ways of togetherness.
Concept & Curators
General concept by fünfter Löffel.
Invited curators/initiatives: Alejandra Valcárcel, Barik Öner, Canberk Akçal, Ece Manav, FREYAAlt, Matteo Kramer Production: Caner Büklü, Elif Yildirim


Video 3 min. / 71 Zoll Monitor (94 x 167 cm) / Mediaplayer / 2023
CONSTRAINTS is a work about overcoming fears, external and self-imposed constraints. Struggling with fate, the fear of oneself, the „animal in me“. The viewer becomes a voyeur, experiencing participation in the sequence of emotional processes that lead to acceptance and healing. The work was initially exhibited 2023 at Kindl – Center for contemporary art.
CONSTRAINTS ist eine Arbeit über das Überwinden von Ängsten, äusseren und selbst auferlegten Zwängen. Hadern mit dem Schicksal, der Furcht vor sich selbst, dem „Tier in mir“. Der Betrachter wird zum Voyeur, erfährt Teilhabe an der Abfolge emotionaler Prozesse die zu Akzeptanz und Heilung führen.
Constraints Installation view – excerpt. Switch on sound!

Video 3 min. / 71 Zoll Monitor (94 x 167 cm) / Mediaplayer / 2023
JOY deals with the longing for lightness of being. Playful, joyful circling around one’s own self – casual, pleasurable moments of being alone with oneself. Sparkling in and despite conditions that make life difficult. The work was initially exhibited 2023 at Kindl – Center for contemporary art.
JOY beschäftigt sich mit der Sehnsucht nach Leichtigkeit im Sein. Spielerisch freudvolles Kreiseln um das eigene ich – zwanglose, genussvolle Momente des mit sich selbst alleine eins sein. Sparkling in und trotz Zuständen, die das Leben erschweren.
Joy Installation view – excerpt. Switch on sound!
It´s all set.
My videoartwork „It´s all set“, escpecially created for Habitat. Displayed at the ceiling in the life music area. The audiences „darling“ as they told me :-) Again it was Canberk who inspired me and pushed me to create this small miracle, within a short – exciting and sleepless – period.
Kitsch und crazy. Lot´s of people. Rave. Do what you want, Anja!
Kitsch & crazy.
Urban needs.
Inflate your world. beach to beach.
Rave the ruins.
Subsurfe waves
trash floating,
drown elsewhere.
Most importantly: Don´t forget to save the dogs.
It´s all set.

Thanks e.t.c.
THANK you especially to Elfi Yildirim and Canberk Akcal! You are just amazing!
Follow them on Instagram > Fünfter Löffel > Elif Yildirim > Canberk Akcal

CONSTRAINTS Setting up the installation with my partner Malibu Gordes. Thank you! Switch on sound!
JOY Installation view – explainig to a friend how the animation is made: Motion capture of my own moves. Thank you to Sandra Basenach for the video :-) Switch on sound!