WIP Aus dem Skizzenbuch - Italiener im besten Mannesalter :-)
WIP Aus dem Skizzenbuch - Italiener im besten Mannesalter :-)
Cambodia, Pnompenh - what an exciting city. Arrived here after travelling the south of Cambodia with a small scooter - marvellous and kind of surreal. In Pnompenh Barbers are working...
Campodia - Street in Kampot, City in the South of the Country. The old Lady in the front collected rubbish. The streetkitchen on the right ( red white), was our...
Sketchbook Vietnam- an evening at my favourite place to stay and eat and talk, draw and make Music. Hosted by the most kind and friendly family, best food and wonderful...
Travelling Vietnam - B - B - Beach again, and nice Songs from the radio...
Travelling Vietnam- Here comes SLUT & SLOPPY sketched at a roaring hot afternoon at the beachbar Phu Quoc - the Heat made me mad and poor yellow all over it:-)...
Travelling in Vietnam... Today with the goal to Sketch the day as it passes by. This is the day so far. Now its 5 pm. Starting to get a bit...
Travelling in Vietnam - sketching the day - final Part. Cà = Vietnamese for Fish. Drawn with Choke - fixed with Vietnamese hairspray. colors are Chilisauce, Sojasauce, Beer and very...
Travelling in Vietnam...yesterday in Duong Dong. Right beside the tree "MIR" - machine to produce bamboo juice - a metal role crushes the bamboosticks --> juice. Very tasty.
Lange ist es her, dass ich bei Dr. Sketchy in Berlin war. Jetzt habe ich es endlich mal wieder geschafft, trotz strömenden Regens. Dr.Sketchy The Blade Runners Session: Im Ballhaus...