A wide field
The subject of 3D – endless expanses. Mountaineers are familiar with the phenomenon: you can see the ridge and think you are right there. However, the further you climb, the more the perspective changes. The next one appears behind the crest. And so on. A challenge when immersing yourself in the three-dimensional world. Exhausting in part, but also wonderful – so much to discover, so much is possible. Almost anything seems possible. The first peaks have been reached, enjoy viewing. I’ll keep climbing :-)

Weites Feld
Das Thema 3D – endlose Weiten. Bergsteiger kennen das Phänomen: Man sieht den Bergrücken, wähnt sich fast am Ziel. Je weiter man jedoch hinansteigt, umsomehr verändert sich die Perspektive. Hinter dem Kamm taucht der nächste auf. Und so weiter und so fort. Das Eintauchen in die dreidimensionale Welt: erschöpfend teils, aber auch herrlich – so vieles zu Entdecken. Nahezu alles scheint möglich. Die ersten Gipfel sind erklommen, viel Freude beim Betrachten. Ich kletter dann mal weiter :-)

” I decided to design viruses, from the gut, without too much artistic aspiration. To #calmdown, against #corona, against #feareatssoul.”
“Ich habe mich entschieden Viren zu gestalten, aus dem Bauch raus, ohne allzu grossen künstlerischen Anspruch. Zur #Beruhigung, gegen #corona , gegen #angstfressenseeleauf .”
Actually: an udder for the maggot rabbit. Actually: a by-product – created on a carnival-style weekend. Actually: Sometimes you want something funny. On the wall relatives, mine :-)
Eigendlich: Ein Euter für den Madenhasen. Eigendlich: Ein Nebenprodukt – entstanden an einem karnevalistisch angehauchten Wochenende. Eigendlich: Mal Lust auf was Lustiges. An der Wand Verwandte, meine :-)

Ostomy, parasites, tick. Tense, bulging or limp. Suck, pick up, encased, organized. Associate yourself. Work in progress.
Stoma, Parasiten, Zecke. Angespannt, prall oder schlaff. Saugen, aufnehmen, eingekastelt, geordnet. Assoziieren Sie selbst. Work in progress.



Visual for the Jazzguitarduo Gitarresque. Parts of the visual were as well used for print production: poster, flyer, business cards. Music in the trailer by Gitarresque.
Visual für das Jazzgitarrenduo Gitarresque. Teile des Visuals wurden auch für Print benutzt : Poster, Fyer, Visitenkarte. Musik im Trailer von Gitarresque.
Award Creative Quarterly 2020 – USA

The first order in 3D: Actually, I’m supposed to write and illustrate an article about mobile working for the magazine “das büro”. My suggestion is to make something the office of the future – Work 4.0. – is happily received and implemented by me. A fictitious test report on a fictional VR product. Only the attentive reader can see that everything was invented by me. Even friends ask me: “Did you really have an implant implanted in your head? Awesome!” The test report and everything around it can be found here.
Der erste Auftrag in 3D: Eigendlich soll ich für das Magazin “das büro” einen Artikel über mobiles Arbeiten schreiben und illustrieren. Mein Vorschlag doch lieber etwas zum Büro der Zukunft zu machen – Arbeit 4.0. – wird freudig aufgenommen und von mir umgesetzt. Ein fiktiver Testbericht, zu einem fiktiven VR-Produkt. Dass alles von mir erfunden ist, wird nur dem aufmerksamen Leser deutlich. Selbst Freunde fragen mich: “Hast Du dir wirklich ein Implatat in den Kopf einbauen lassen? Krass!” Den Testbericht und alles drumherum gibt es hier.
Starting point
In the beginning there is an ocean: information, technical challenges, tutorials, the agony of the right ones? – Choice. At the beginning: The decision to learn 3D – in winter 2018. It took me until May 2019 to make the decision which software I want to work with.

Although I am an Adobe influencer and work almost exclusively with the Creative Cloud applications, I choosed Blender. Why? First, there were and are the most online tutorials. An extremely crucial point for me. Second: Blender is open source software, I think, a good thing that I would like to support (and I am very grateful to be able to use it!). Blender also has a large, committed and personable community.
Result of the “Oceanscene“-Tutorial, one of the very first tutorials i exerciced. You can finde the tutorial itself made by Zacharias Reinhard here. Actually its a before-blender-2.8 tutorial, but though worth watching it.
In the beginning a donut – the donut. In August 2019, I took a two-month sabbatical and started with the donut beginner tutorial from Blenderguru Andrew Prices. Then an ocean, more precisely an ocean scene. An excellent tutorial by Zacharias Reinhard that – over-reaching – almost overwhelmed me. But my fascination with 3D has increased enormously and has given me a completely different perspective on the online media world, a completely new understanding.
Since then – countless tutorials, struggles, struggles, ecstatic moments of happiness – so much to learn. Far from my goal of being able to implement my visions exactly as I have them in my head. Time for training alongside work is a difficult factor. But it is progressing. I take an hour every day for new Blender tutorials and practical exercises. I just started a tutorial on Substance Painter, experimenting with Adobe Aero, Mixamo … and, and … a really wide field. How nice! :-)